Dr. Cord Elsner
Warm welcome!
Here you will find some information about me as a trainer and owner of the school for WING CHUN Kung Fu.
If you would like to visit our school on other social media such as Facebook, Youtube, Instagram etc., then click on the respective icons here.
Incidentally, on Facebook we have one of the largest WING CHUN fan pages in the world with over 1,000,000 followers. Incredible actually, considering we're not a big association.
By the way, the story about the Facebook page is really amusing - that is, how I got this number of followers (which, by the way, is real). Do I have to report here on the BLOG at some point.
Here the links:
About me
First of all, some "non-martial arts information" about me.
I was born in Schleswig-Holstein in 1973 and have both a degree in physics and a degree in chemistry, which I acquired during my studies at the Christian-Albrechts-University in Kiel. Furthermore, I did my doctorate in physics in the field of ultrashort pulse physics at the Institute for Biomolecular Optics of the LMU Munich and am also currently working as a trained European Patent Attorney and authorized representative before the European Patent Office (EPO) for a larger Stuttgart company. As part of this activity, I was responsible for the patent protection of innovation topics such as electric vehicle system development, battery technology, mobile fuel cell technology, electric drive axles (e-axle) and am currently working with great pleasure on charging technologies and predominantly technologically strategic topics.
But now to my martial arts vita, which is probably much more interesting on this website.
Parallel to my professional activity, I train passionately in martial arts - meanwhile non-stop since 1986, i.e. when I was 13 years old! Martial arts training and I are simply inextricably linked and I hope I'll train something just before the lid closes over me.
I began my martial arts path in 1986 with Ju Jutsu, which I trained continuously for about 10 years and where I was finally able to acquire the 1st Dan in the 90s. After I saw Emin Boztepe in 1990 as part of a Wing Tsun demonstration as a top fit fighter flagship of the EWTO at the soldiers' home in Kappeln with a six-pack and a bare upper body, I started Wing Tsun (after Leung Ting) within the EWTO in the same year. At that time I trained with my brother and my best friends - there is no other way to put it - extremely consistently in parallel with Ju Jutsu, Wing Tsun and Wado Ryu Karate 6 days a week, sometimes two units a day._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_
Looking back, those were the wonderful times of a young person who had plenty of time for such parallel activities and had little or nothing to worry about. In addition, the plague of the 21st century didn't exist back then - namely social media like TikTok, Instagram, Netflix, Prime, Disney+ and whatever all the plagues are called, with which we voluntarily stare our brains to pulp every day while the sofa keeps us in the iron Chokehold holds 🙄. So we still had the luxury of being very bored and having to look for physical balance.
Good old digital detox times... 😂
Well - after I finally gave up both Ju Jutsu and Karate in the 90s (when viewed soberly, Wing Chun was simply much more direct and effective - at least back then), I also turned my back on EWTO Wing Tsun, since the then Examination mentality as well as the franchise idea and the associated type of commercialization did not appeal.
Instead, I trained Wing Chun in the various *ing *un styles, which on the one hand split off after 2000 from the EWTO or Leung Ting or on the other hand established themselves in Germany / Europe at that time.
Parallel to my Wing Chun training, I was always on the move in at least one other martial art. So I practiced Aikido and Kendo at the university in Kiel for several years during my studies, trained Escrima & Arnis for a few years and boxed at the same time (which I do now and then to keep my feet on the ground and also just from young and to get "in the face" of strong fighters).
After all, humility and modesty are two of the great goals that a martial artist should always strive for!
I accompany my martial arts training (almost daily) despite a quite demanding professional life with sometimes very hard fitness units and build in these fitness units where possible. Accordingly, my students have to regularly hear that fitness and nutrition are the be-all and end-all of a healthy lifestyle and that everyone certainly has enough time to incorporate sport into everyday life - even if it's only 20-30 minutes.
Mornings, late evenings and weekends - it doesn't matter, exercise is a must! As a martial arts trainer, one certainly cannot afford to be or become fat and lazy and to be a bad and limp role model for the members. I think that's a really positive side effect of being a trainer - because I'm still fit as a rock for my age!
Long story short:
Whether natural sciences such as physics, chemistry, patent law, martial arts, martial arts or fitness. It was always extremely important to me to think outside the box and to continuously broaden my horizons. Learning is a life's work and, in my opinion, never ends. To be able to learn and be a student for life, I do not consider it torture or punishment, but rather one of the great privileges!
Wing Chun is definitely a great martial arts system, but like any martial art it has certain deficits. Unfortunately, you don't see these deficits if you've never trained or trained anything other than *ing *un. My training in other Wing Chun styles & martial arts allows me to see this much more clearly and I am now very well able to emphasize the strengths of Wing Chun and eliminate the weaknesses (where possible)._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_
After several "decades" of martial arts and Wing Chun training in Germany, I am now very well connected and familiar with most Wing Chun styles in Germany and internationally - be it either directly through friendly connections with the trainers of these clubs, associations, styles or theirs Members.
Through these friendly connections I have deep insights into their training practice and content and allow myself to say that I can give anyone interested in Wing Chun an extremely comprehensive overview of this great martial arts system and its possibilities, as well as distinguishing meaningful content from big bullshit can.
Since my brain luckily stores everything that crosses its path like a sponge, I have now accumulated immense knowledge about Wing Chun, networked content and am able to clearly combine both practice and theory with the help of various interesting exercises to convey - e.g. to convey to you.
If you are interested in my training, you are cordially invited to book a trial session in my training. Get up from your sofa, switch off your cell phone for at least a few hours and embark on the awesome WING CHUN journey with me. It's worth at least one try.
Now do something for yourself and your body and mind. You can go on bumping for the rest of your life!
Let's go.... 🔥🔥🔥
Best regards,