Wing Chun is an extremely complex martial arts system. Theory and practice are closely intertwined. As a Wing Chun beginner at the time, I always ardently wished that some Wing Chun teacher would explain comprehensively and holistically about Wing Chun instead of serving up incoherent fragments of knowledge - if one can even speak of knowledge in this context.
Unfortunately none. Even today, there is hardly any useful or still only scanty information to be found in books, on the Internet or on DVDs or online offerings. Hardly anyone explains Wing Chun properly and spans the big bow. It is still a largely hermetically sealed system.
So I'm now making the information that I've collected continuously since 1990 and still collect, available on this website myself!
On this page you will therefore find a kind of map or subdivision of all the topics that I deal with on the website. I explain our training, introduce myself as a trainer and my team and explain what is needed for the training.
You can also read about Chi Sao sections or Chi Sao partner forms, find out about forms and Wing Chun weapons, get details about Lat Sao and deepen your knowledge of footwork, Chi Gerk, fitness, Kuen Kuits and a number of theoretical contents._cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
Below you will find an overview of the categories. Just click on it and choose an article that interests you and immerse yourself in Wing Chun.
You would do me a favor if you would share the page with your Wing Chun friends, training partners or other Wing Chun enthusiasts and thus contribute to the spread of knowledge.
Have fun and thank you for your interest!
Cord Elsner
One system but umpteen questions and topics that need to be addressed, discussed and clarified.
What is Wing Chun? What is kung fu? What is the difference between martial arts and martial arts? What is a Sifu? What does hierarchy actually mean in Wing Chun? What's the difference in spelling? Click here to learn more about Wing Chun and read the articles.
Form training essentially means grinding the hand, arm and foot movements typical of WING CHUN into the musculoskeletal system. Wing Chun includes seven forms:
Siu Nim Tao, Cham Kiu, Biu Tze, Mok Yan Chong Fat (wooden doll), Saam Sin Chong Fat (tripodal doll), Look Dim Poon Kwan (long stick) and Bart Cham Dao (double knife). Here I explain the value of forms training and go into each of the seven forms.
In this category I explain the Chi Sao training method. Chi Sao means sticky hands or sticky arms and is the fundamental training method in Wing Chun to reflexively grind or drill movement patterns into the musculoskeletal system. I go into Poon Sao, Dan Chi Sao as well as the structure of the Chi Sao exercises in sections or partner forms. Click here to go to the articles in this category.
In one interpretation, Lat Sao means free fight , but it means more of a kind of choreographed partner training that can be carried out more or less freely in the long run. In Lat Sao training, the movements learned in the forms, which one has drilled into as movement sequences in Chi Sao, are transferred into freer, more random partner exercises. Lat Sao is thus the bridge to Hong Kong Lat Sao and the free applications. Ukemi refers to the art of falling that one must master in order to safely perform takedowns. Click here to view the articles.
A big topic in Wing Chun is the special step work that is used in close combat. In addition, Wing Chun attacks the opponent with special techniques at the lower and middle level and trains Chi Gerk, the feeling and reaction training for the legs, for this purpose. In the articles in this category, I explain what this is all about. Click here to go to the articles.
Tan Sao, Fook Sao, Gam Sao, Gan Sao, Bong Sao, Fak Sao .... Sao means hand or arm in Wing Chun and each of the terms mentioned stands for either an arm posture, position or movement. Here in this category I explain a number of the hand techniques used in Wing Chun, what form they come from and what they are intended for.
BETTER TRAIN EVERY PART OF YOUR BODY is one of Bruce Lee's famous quotes that has motivated me in my daily bodyweight & fitness training for decades. And despite being built in 1973, I'm still in top shape (knock on wood).
In my opinion, Wing Chun without pronounced fitness (and that certainly applies to every martial art) is only half the battle. Our body is our weapon, the use of which is learned through Wing Chun training. And this weapon needs to be hardened and sharpened to the point through fitness training. Click here for fitness and nutrition articles.
Hop, hop - get fit!
Kuen Kuits - often referred to as Wing Chun mottos - are principles or guidelines or even simpler: tips on the subject of Wing Chun. Kuen Kuits can give the practitioner important hints that help him to correctly execute movements, attacks or techniques in general. In this way he can check whether he is doing good Wing Chun at all. or actually violates fundamental concepts and principles. I open the door to countless explanations for you, you go through. Click here for the articles.